Employee Profile

This option allows you to set up a record for each employee in your company. If you are already using some type of numbering system for your employees, (i.e., as in payroll), it is suggested that you use the same numbers for this file to provide consistency within your organization. Also, employees responsible for completing the various phases of a job must be set up in the Employee Profile. This establishes the employee's position as well as their e-mail address so they may receive automatic e-mail messages or send messages to other members of a team.
Whether you are authorized to one or many companies in the system, there is only one common Employee Profile file. This permits consolidated reporting of employee activities should he/she perform functions for more than one company. Full security is built into this option so that you can specify an employee record as being "owned" by a particular company. If this is done, access to an individual's information is restricted to authorized personnel.
  1. Select Data Base Maintenance|Employee Profile Maintenance.

  2. Key the alphanumeric code of the employee for whom you want to create or maintain a record then click the Next icon next.gif.

Employee Profile Entry Window

  1. To complete the employee profile, click the <Fields> button at the bottom of this help page for field-level help. To set this employee up as a vendor, click <Save/Create Vendor> (Displayed only when setting up a new employee). You advance directly to the Common Vendor option.  

  2. Click <AdExpense Settings> to access the Employee Settings option in AdExpense without having  to logout/log in to two different applications. Set up administrator and approval assignments then click the Save icon to return to the Employee Profile option where you can complete your work.

  3. When finished, click the Save icon save.gif.
